1. Siswa mampu
menguasai teknologi yang ada, yakni mampu menggunkan Blog, Quipper, Edmodoo,
Email and Whatsapp.
2. Seluruh siswa wajib untuk
memiliki Blog dalam writing VII.
3. Siswa mempunyai
tugas untuk membuat cerita dalam bahasa inggris tentang asal usul desa tempat
tinggal mereka serta mengidentifikasi generic structure.
4. Untuk mengumpulkan
tugas, siswa harus menshare tugas yang dibuat dalam blog masing masing siswa
dan memberitahukan alamat blog kepada guru.
Narrative Text
Narrative text that are a series of events that are
interconnected and delivered sequentially and neatly from beginning to end so
as to form a complete understanding in the minds of readers or listeners.
Narrative text can also an imaginative story to entertain people. Narrative
text has many kind, they are:
1. Folklore / Folktale
4. Fable
5. Short story
B. Generic Structure
1. Orientation
Orientation is the first part of Narrative Text, located at
the beginning of the story or in the first paragraph. The function of
Orientation is to introduce to the reader or listener the character of the
narrative story, time, and setting of the story. The Orientation usually
written briefly and can answer the questions who, what, where, when.
2. Complication
Complication is the next part of Narrative Text. This section
is the one awaited by readers and listeners because in this section the
problems in the story arise, so that Narrative Text becomes more interesting to
read and not boring. In making Narrative Text, the writers may give one or more
problems in this, section so that the text is more interesting. Usually,
problems that arise in this section involve the main characters of the text.
3. Resolution
is the next part after Complication. At Resolution, the problems found in
Complication begin to be resolved with various solutions. Solutions to overcome
or end the problem do not always good and happy ending, sometimes there are bad
and sad ending solutions. In addition, there are other solutions to overcome
problems but do not solve the problems but hang up to the end of the story,
thus making the readers more curious. It aims to maintain the reader's interest
in the story.
4. Coda / Re – Orientation
is the last part of the Narrative text and usually at the end of the story or
in the last paragraph. Re-orientation is a choice which means that the writer
who wants to make Narrative Text can use the Re-orientation or not. This a part
usually contains useful messages for readers related to the story. The messages
can be moral messages, or teachings from the author.
C. Past Tense
text using past tense because it tells a series of events that are not real or
a series of events that have occurred in the past. Narrative text can use Past
Tense, whether it's Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, or Past Perfect
Continuous Tense.
- Form of Simple Past
- Form of Past Continuous
- Form of Past Perfect
- Form of Past Perfect Continuous
To better understand from the material above, click the video below:
Students Assignment
In this
material, students must have blog to share her/him assignment, and for the
assignment the students write stories about the history of the village where
they live and give a generic structure. The students must share assignment in
personal blog.
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