
Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Materi Writing 7 Kelas X SMA/SMK/MA/MAK

  1. Siswa mampu menguasai teknologi yang ada, yakni mampu menggunkan Blog, Quipper, Edmodo, Email and Whatsapp.
  2. Seluruh siswa wajib untuk memiliki Blog dalam writing VII.
  3. Siswa mempunyai tugas untuk dikerjakan.
  4. Untuk mengumpulkan tugas, siswa harus membagikan tugas yang telah dibuat dalam blog masing masing siswa dan memberitahukan alamat blog kepada guru.

A.   Recount Text

         Recount Text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. its goal to  entertaining or informing the reader or retells event or experiences in the past.

B. Generic Structure

      1. Orientation

      2. Events

      3. Re - Orientation

Example of Recount Text:

To better understand from the material above, click the video below:

C.    Students Assignment

In this material, students must have blog to share her/him assignment.

1. The students must identify the generic structure of a recount text below

       2. The students write events or activity that have been experienced while following             
           extracurricular at school. The students must share announcement in personal blog.

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