
Jumat, 29 Maret 2019

Materi Writing 5 Kelas X SMA/SMK/MA/MAK


  1.  Siswa mampu menguasai teknologi yang ada, yakni mampu menggunkan blog, Quipper, Edmodoo, Email and Whatsapp.
  2.    Seluruh siswa wajib untuk memiliki Blog dalam writing V.
 3. Siswa diwajibkan untuk membuat 4 pengumuman dengan lokasi yang berbeda.
 4. Untuk mengumpulkan tugas, siswa harus menshare tugas yang dibuat dalam blog masing masing siswa dan memberitahukan alamat blog kepada guru.

A.    Announcement

Announcement is an official notification about something, whether written or spoken which presented to the public.

B.     Generic Structure

This generic structure pattern is used in writing the type of text of this announcement so that the goal is achieved. The generic structure of announcement is as follows:

1.      Title
2.      Explanation
In explanation usually consists of type’s activities, time, place, and participant.

C.    Characteristic or Language Features

1.      Simple Present Tense
2.      Simple Future
3.      No conjunction
4.      Date, time, place
5.      Event

Example of Announcement

To better understand from the material above, click the video below:

D.    Students Assignment

In this material, students must have blog to share her/him assignment.

1.  The students make 4 announcement in school, home, hospital and airport. The students must share announcement in personal blog.

2.      The students must identify the generic structure of announcement above.

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