
Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Pengayaan Pemahaman Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

Expression of agreement and disagreement is an expression of approval ( agree ) or rejection  ( disagree ) in something.

Below is the Practice of Expression Agreement and Disagreement
Yoga   : So, class. Now we are going to deliberate our concern about where we are going to
head for our class vacation. So, who comes up with the idea first?
Habibi : I will vote for Anyer Beach. Anyer Beach is one of the nearest beaches we can visit.
Yoga   : So, class. Is there anyone who disagrees with Anyer Beach?
Jenny   : Um, I am not sure about that. Last vacation our class had gone to Anyer Beach. I
              think we should see other options.
Habibi : Oh yeah! You’re right, I forgot about that.
Jefri     : Well, I’m suggesting Kebun Raya Bogor
Kania  : I agree with you, Jefri. I have never been there myself.

Here! You can see video to be better understand about Expression Agreement and Disagreement.

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