Procedure Text is a
piece of text that give us instructions for doing something that corresponds to the
step by step or the correct order.
Important thing that must be understood beside
definition in Procedure Text there are characteristics. The following are the
characteristisc of Procedure Text :
Ø The Characteristics of
Procedure Text :
Using Simple Present Tense
Using an imperative form
Using action verb (material process), for examples: take,
put, cut, pour, etc.
Using mainly of temporal conjunction (connectives),
for examples to
indicate sequence especially in spoken text like First . . . or
firstly . . . , Second . . . or secondly . . . , and to indicate
sequence in written text such as: then . . . , after that . . . ,
Procedure Text also has a general structure scheme. Teh following are the generic
stucture of Procedure
Text :
Ø Generic
Stucture of Procedure Text :
Goal / aim : about what is the
purpose which we want to do.
- This may be the title of the text.
- This may be an introductory paragraph.
Materials : about materials or utensils needed for completing the
- This may be a list.
- This may be a paragraph.
- This step may be left out in some procedure.
It is only optional, not for all procedural texts.
Steps :
a series steps oriented to achieve the aim / goal.
- Number or time words (first, second, now,
next, then, after this, etc) can be to show the sequence.
- Usually the steps begin with an imperative
(Verb 1) such as prepare, cook, add, mix, insert, etc
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