
Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Memahami Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

Expression of Agreement and Disagreement

What is the Expression of Agreement and Disagreement ? Expression of Agreement is the one of expression which can be used when we feel agree with someone in something. For example, “ i think if you will get good score, you have to practice exercise everyday ” and you answer is “ I am with you ”.
While Expression of Disagreement is the one of expression which can be used when we feel disagree with someone in something. For example, “ i think the mathematics lesson is very easy to learn. Do you think so ? and you answer is “ I don’t think so. I have troubles when I study about it. I always get bad score ”.

Below is the Basic Sentences Expression of Agreement and Disagreement :

Expressing Agreement

– I agree with you 100 percent           = Saya setuju dengan Anda 100 persen
– That’s so true                                   = Itu sangat benar
– That’s for sure                                  = Itu sudah pasti
– You’re absolutely right                    = Kamu benar sekali
– Absolutely                                        = Pasti
– That’s exactly how I feel                 = Tepat itulah yang saya rasakan
– Exactly                                             = Persis
– I have to side with Dad on this one = Saya harus berpihak pada ayah pada yang satu ini
– No doubt about it                             = Tidak ada keraguan tentang hal itu
– I suppose so./I guess so                   = saya kira demikian./saya rasa begitu
– You have a point there                     = Anda memiliki titik di sana
– I was just going to say that              = Saya hanya akan mengatakan

Expressing Disagreement

– I don’t think so                                 = Saya rasa tidak
– No way                                             = TIDAK
– I’m afraid I disagree                        = Aku takut aku tidak setuju
– I totally disagree                              = Saya benar-benar tidak setuju
– I’d say the exact opposite                = Saya akan mengatakan sebaliknya
– Not necessarily                                = Belum tentu
– That’s not always true                     = Itu tidak selalu benar
– That’s not always the case               = Itu tidak selalu terjadi
– No, I’m not so sure about that         = Tidak, aku tidak begitu yakin tentang itu
– I’m afraid I agree with James          = Aku takut aku setuju dengan James
– I couldn’t agree with you more       = Saya tidak bisa setuju dengan Anda lagi

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