
Sabtu, 06 April 2019

Materi Writing 2 Kelas X SMA/SMK/MA/MAK

1.      Siswa mampu menguasai teknologi yang ada, yakni mampu menggunkan               Blog, Quipper, Edmodoo, Email and Whatsapp. 
2.      Siswa mengikuti petunjuk yang diberikan oleh guru untuk membuka link               blog  yang berisi materi singkat tentang Writing II. 
3.      Setelah memahami materi, siswa mempunyai tugas untuk dikerjakan. 
4.      Siswa harus mengumpulkan tugas tersebut via email.

A.    Congratulation

Congratulation is an expression of praise for an achievement or good wishes on a special occasion; the act of congratulating. This word is used to convey a sense of pleasure in the achievement of someone or a particular event.

Kinds of Congratulations:
1.       Congratulation of someone’s success
2.       Happy Birthday
3.       Merry Christmas
4.       Happy New Year
5.       Happy Valentine
6.       Happy Anniversary


B.    Compliment

Compliment expresses approval and aim to show that you like some aspect of the other person’s appearance, belonging or work. It is also to appreciate other people, overuse of compliments might seem insincere.

Whom to Compliment: 

Everyone who has time to talk with (friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers).

What to Compliment:

1.  Notice something new about the person’s appearance: new car, new haircut, a piece of jewelry,etc.
2.      Human general appearance: ‘You look good today.’
3.      When visiting someone’s house for the first time: ‘What a beautiful house you have.’
4.      When hosts prepare a meal for you: ‘The meal was delicious’.

To better understand from the material above, click the video below:

C.    Student’s assignment

1.      Students must giving appropriate expression for the following picture and your answer must share in comment.


      2.    Students must choose one of congratulation card in this material and give the                           comment which number card to choose in there and send your answer in teacher’s                   email.



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